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Showing posts from April, 2017

Is the snow half over?

  It's really not as bad out as it looks.  Just finished walking the dogs and while there is 6 inches or so on the grass, the streets and sidewalks are mostly melted. Must be April in Colorado. When you're walking an old dog like Callie the sidewalks are what matter. Her gait has become tenuous and she's always had a problem of snow clumping in her paws so I was expecting at best a short walk with me having to coax her along. Seems it's a good day to throw expectations out the window 'cause she had no problems and seemed to enjoy the stretch.  Cooper, our 1 year old dog who looks like a penguin and was living up to his markings.  Jump in the snow, roll in the snow, walk with your head buried in the snow. Ah youth!   As a gardener I think expectations is the thing. Denver by it's proximity to the Rocky Mountains gets extreme weather.  The Chamber of Commerce will tell you we get 300 days a year of sunshine and that's close en