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Showing posts from March, 2018

The planting of the green

 I had to do it! Ya gotta understand it really wasn't a choice it was an explosion. That's the way it is with passion. Doesn't matter if it's music, art, or the pretty new girl at school. That's the way it was yesterday for me and the garden. Denver can tease you for weeks with spring weather to the point you start thinking I should have planted a few things out in February. Heck, I'm not early I'm late!  March and April are our best months for rain and snow. This March has been dry as was February and the winter as a whole. Yesterday was 70 and sunny with a promise of rain in the evening. Thus with St Pat's day still a couple of days away it was time to start tomatoes indoors and peas outside.   Speaking of St Pat's you'd assume that I'd be cranking the Irish music as I tap out this blog. Ah, but wrong moosebreathe!  I've decided to go musicologist and spin backwards to a Saturday of bagpipes, Real McKenzies, and Irish rebel tunes. I&#