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Showing posts from May, 2018

Full Frontal and Rain

I'm taking a short break from the garden. Thus these words might end up in a pile of lost electrons you'll never see, but I have to keep it short as it's an ideal day for gardening. The weather is overcast with a bit of rain last night and the promise of perhaps some today. A welcome relief from the heat of last week and a chance to pull weeds and shape the spring garden.   The music is Santana - Abraxas 'cause it's just the best! followed by Supernatural & Soul Sacrifice. The mystical elements of the music along with - let's call it- Afro- Caribbean rhythm seem to be in line with the amazing changes in the garden, spring brings.    The peas I planted on St Pat's day are starting a growth spurt reaching for the second piece of twine I hurriedly put up this morning. I've come to plant the peas quite close together as I heard that they like to hold hands. I then push my collection of stick , which I somehow always have a bundle of, in about every fo