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Showing posts from December, 2018
  "Nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded" supposedly Yogi Berra offered this brilliance regarding a popular restaurant. I'd like to offer my own Yogi-ism - There is about a 50/50 chance I won't send this to you.  It's the Sunday before Christmas Deb's getting ready to go to church and I'm at the keyboard with a neck that smells like Ben Gay. OK not real Ben Gay some generic that Deb buys. The generic smell is however better than the 'real' Tiger Balm that Deb rubbed on my neck that smelled so loudly of 'real' mint that I was constantly looking around for the chewing gum to make sure I didn't have some stuck on me. With a sore neck ya don't want to be looking around!   The music is a mix of uptempo blues mostly 'cause I need the rhythm to pull this writtin' out of my head . The song playing right now is Two-Headed Woman written by Junior Wells but this version is performed by Willie Dixon. If Youtube pulls up the