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Showing posts from July, 2020

Your money or your time!

  My Mother will be 95 next week. My Niece is expecting her 1st child within a few days. I'm not sure if you asked my Mom to name all her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren that she could, but her memory is funny and she might just pull it off.   Time itself is also funny a concept of the mind. We're all give the exact same 24 hours in a day but none of us know how many of those days we'll get. My nephew died young in a car accident with a thousand things to do in front of him. My Mother shared a rather Kilngon thought recently "Some days I have nothing left on my to do list but die!". (OK, Mom thanks, won't need any therapy on that one!) Just to complicate the thought the Celts say - "When God made time, he made plenty of it." Sure, sure, but God just did a funny job distributing that time. We all get the same 24 hours in a day but I guess nobody said life was going to be fair.   That is all a rather gran-eloquent lead in to complaini