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Showing posts from February, 2021


 A few blogs back I mentioned Galbraith's notion that free time was a type of wealth. I'd like to offer a thought on a definition of wealth that's been rattling around in my old brain, "get to" vs "got to". I think you can measure your wealth by looking at the number of things you've got to do vs the time you spend doing things that you get to do. Now part of this is simply a mind game as for one person a job is something they just gotta do and for another the same job is one they get to do. Perspective is variable and within our control and choice. There are some things that short of the Zen master do fall into the gotta do category. I won't belabor the idea right here just want to put it in your head, perhaps a future blog.  Colorado's Front Range seems to always get a week or two, around this time, of very very cold weather. Last week was cold, this morning it was minus something. It's now mid day and up to a balmy 9°. So this might be