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Showing posts from March, 2021

And the Flatirons wept

  I've always thought bio-dynamic gardening was just a bunch of bare-foot boulder hippy chick hooey, and it probably is. Thing is I'm not the gardener to prove or disprove it or about any theory of gardening that requires actual record keeping and comparisons of results in anything of a controlled method. Me, I'm the guy who meticulously labels the tomatoes by variety in the garden and then saves the seeds in an unlabeled container. 'cause Oh heck, I'll remember the Pink Bulls are in the little square Tupperware. - or was that the Pink Giants and the other ones were Heart of the Bull - or wait, Oh the heck, with it I'll call 'em both Trav's Hearts after Travis who gave me both seeds. I can just start two pots of each and see what grows -brilliant! Till only one type sprouts and I'm trying to decide which one to replant!!    The day is an in between day. Overcast and neither warm nor cold, snow on the grass from the last little storm but the raised b