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Showing posts from February, 2023

60 to Zero

 You always hear about going from 0 to 60 as a measure of life suddenly requiring you to get busy. I've just realized I am about to enter a piece of life where I go from 60 to 0. It was disconcerting!  My life of late has been unusually busy with three basic threads twisting around each other to form a tow cable that is, well it feels like 60 mph on a skateboard. The three threads in order of importance are Deb's sister has cancer and Deb is understandable letting the likely death of her 'little' sister affect her own health. Into that has wound moving my 97 year old mother from an assisted living property. The property was best described by my father (before he died there) as "These people will never get their act together". The third thread is selling our house and moving. Moving is simple to write and certainly less important in the scheme of things but equally time consuming and mentally taxing.     Deb is right now down visiting with her sister and dealin