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Showing posts from January, 2019

The Tail of Jake & Melissa

Others could probably tell you more about the feud between Jane and the Johnsons. I guess I can best tell you about the part regarding Jake and Melissa. To call it a feud is really to describe how little goes on around here. Jane always called it her feud but I doubt the Johnsons even knew that Jane was upset.  See Jane was one of those long legged beauties who liked things just so. She had her farm stand out on the highway and everything about it was - well, just so. The stand was filled with tomatoes and onions and whatever else was in season but it was famous for it's sweet blue corn, which Jane grew. Perhaps it was just the corn or it coulda been Jane's long legs and smooth French accent that filled the parking to overflow in the sweet corn season. See that was the crux of it. The Johnsons piled the edge of their corn field with old tires and junk of every description. "RIGHT BEHIND HER PARKING!" Oh sure Jane asked 'em to clean it up when she first opened the