Adam sat in the sun huddled under a blanket Eve had knitted. Scattered to his right and left a sketch of his new garden and a half dozen seed catalogs. Eve called these his garden porn. To grow a garden you have to guess the future and act in the present. Importantly, that begins with a guess. Some parts were clear; the average last frost, which plants could survive frost, the needed indoor start time for those and the later plants. That schedule had to be married to the best guess of what he wanted to grow and what might grow, again a guess. Once past the guessing a brief bit of pleasure gathering the seeds and ordering what was missing.
Adam looked at the sketch and knew from past experience this was about as good as his garden would look. Sure there might be some unexpected wins, a seed or plant that surprised. The unexpected wins would be more than offset by bad weather, pests, or just hopes that never blossomed. Poppies make heroin. Hope is like heroin. Last year the poppy seeds didn't even sprout. When guessing the future over-plant.
In The Garden the path forward was not his concern, God provided. After The Garden and in the new garden in fact in Adam's world as a whole there was no clear direction. Would the Angels give him breadcrumbs to follow or would the breadcrumbs turnout to be of his own imagination. Heck would the Angels watch and guide or would they become bored with God's experiment and follow a Hellish path. The future was not the knowledge of man.
The battle between Cain and Able was over with all it's scars left on the world but winter was not. Last years squash would run out soon and the hungry season would begin. Would spring be gentle, late in arriving? Would the volcanoes explode, the poles shift? These were questions for God to decide. Adam would do his next good thing, choose seeds and hope.
I love this one! As a Mormon boy, we are told in our Temple worship, that we should consider ourselves as if we were respectively Adam and Eve. You have done just this! Good job!